Miłosz Kośmider
Email me! (References on request.)
This résumé is at cv.milosz.ca
- May 2014: Joint Honours in Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Ottawa
Work experience
- Dec 2014 - present: Software Engineer @ Amazon · amazon.com
- May 2012 - Nov 2013: Software Engineer @ Legitmix · legitmix.com
- May 2011 - Aug 2011: Software Engineer @ Bookneto · bookneto.com
- Apr 2010 - Nov 2010: Software Engineer, Mathematical Researcher @ Legitmix
Professional skills
- Languages: Java/Kotlin, JavaScript, Python, HTML/CSS, SQL, C, C++, C#, R, Ruby, Perl
- Development environments: Eclipse, IntelliJ, Visual Studio, Bash/GCC/Make, VIM and a browser ;)
- Passionate about Linux server administration: apache, nginx, ftp, anything else with documentation…
- Source control: Git, Subversion
- Frameworks: Guice, Spring MVC, AngularJS, Bootstrap, require.js, node.js, Tornado, Ruby on Rails
- Obsessive learner of new programming languages and frameworks; lists above are always growing
- Experience with signal processing for the purpose of audio fingerprinting and encryption
Transferable skills
- Native speaker of English and Polish
- Fluent in French
- Eventually gets the point across in German, Spanish, and Japanese
- Experience working in and contributing ideas to a startup company
- Experience organizing events involving 20+ participants (Polish Scouting Association of Canada)
- Enjoys work travel
Hobbies and interests
- Electronic music production, my little career-on-the-side
- Sports: jogging, cycling, bouldering, skiing, ice-skating, volleyball, tennis, badminton, windsurfing, sailing
- The great outdoors
- International travel
- Languages (human ones)